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Aerospace Flooring

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Aerospace flooring plays a pivotal role in the industry, creating safe, durable, and visually appealing environments. How can the right flooring solution make a difference in the daily operations of aerospace facilities?

In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of aerospace flooring, explore different types of flooring systems, and provide insights into selecting the right flooring provider and meeting industry regulations and standards. Prepare to embark on a journey through the fascinating world of aerospace flooring.

Short Summary

The Importance of Aerospace Flooring

The aerospace industry faces unique challenges, and flooring solutions must keep up with these demands. Aerospace flooring is an essential part of ensuring safety, durability, and resistance, all while providing an aesthetically pleasing and functional environment.

Specialist flooring solutions cater to the needs of the aerospace sector, tackling concerns such as heavy equipment, aviation fluid spillages, fire risks, and corrosive agents.

By making a well-informed choice and selecting the correct flooring system, facilities can reduce their expenses on maintenance and repairs, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operations.

Safety Requirements

Safety comes first in the aerospace industry, and flooring solutions play a crucial role in maintaining high safety standards.

Proper aerospace flooring can safeguard personnel and equipment by minimising fire risks, and ensuring compliance with Health and Safety regulations.

Safety workflow markings in loading bays and baggage handling areas, for instance, are essential to guide personnel and prevent accidents.

PSC Flooring’s aerospace flooring solutions, known for their durability, shock resistance, and chemical properties, are designed to meet and exceed these safety requirements.

Durability and Resistance

Aerospace flooring must withstand the test of time and the rigors of daily operations. Materials such as industrial epoxy resin, non-textile vinyl-coated, flooring installation and coverings, and advanced composite materials are installed to provide high-performance flooring capable of enduring harsh conditions.

Resin and epoxy floors, for example, offer durability, damage protection, high foot traffic resistance, and anti-slip anti slip” properties. These materials ensure that aerospace flooring is chemical and oil resistant, hygienic, easy to clean, and color-coded for safe navigation.

Aesthetics and Functionality

Functionality and aesthetics go hand in hand in the realm of aerospace flooring. Customisable solutions, such as Ecotile’s smart interlocking systems, offer color-coded maintenance areas, walkways, and safety markings, allowing businesses to create efficient maintenance processes and adapt to workflow or layout modifications.

Epoxy coatings can be employed for marking crossings, demarcation lines, and corporate logos, further enhancing the visual appeal and practicality of the flooring solution.

Types of Aerospace Flooring Systems

As the aerospace industry evolves, so do the flooring solutions available. Epoxy flooring, resin floors, and stain-resistant epoxy coatings are among the most common types of aerospace flooring systems, each offering unique benefits and applications.

These flooring systems cater to the complex demands of the aerospace sector, providing durability, resistance, and safety in various areas of operations.

Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy flooring has become a popular choice in industrial and commercial settings due to its exceptional durability and chemical resistance. This versatile flooring solution is not only slip-resistant but also customisable with various colors and textures to suit different environments.

In aviation facilities, ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) flooring is utilised to control static and protect components and personnel, highlighting the adaptability of epoxy flooring in meeting specific industry requirements.

Resin Floors

Resin flooring is another reliable option for aerospace facilities, offering longevity and resistance to water and heat damage. However, it is important to note that resin flooring can become slippery when wet, necessitating an additional skid-resistant layer for enhanced safety.

The installation of resin flooring requires careful surface preparation and accurate resin application to achieve the desired performance and durability.

Stain-Resistant Epoxy Coatings

Stain-resistant epoxy coatings provide an extra layer of protection for aerospace flooring, ensuring enhanced durability, chemical resistance, and improved resistance to staining. These coatings are available in various forms, such as water-based, solvent-based, and two-component epoxy coatings, each with its unique benefits and drawbacks.

Proper application of stain-resistant epoxy resin and coatings is crucial for optimal performance and longevity, requiring spraying, brushing, or rolling techniques in accordance with manufacturer instructions.

Key Considerations in Selecting Aerospace Flooring

When selecting aerospace flooring, several key considerations must be taken into account to ensure a perfect fit for aerospace needs and the facility and aerospace sector’s requirements. These include chemical resistance, heavy equipment support, maintenance and cleaning.

By assessing these factors and understanding the specific needs of the aerospace industry, a well-informed decision can be made to choose the most suitable flooring solution.

Chemical Resistance

In the face of potential chemical spills and exposure to corrosive agents, aerospace flooring must exhibit high chemical resistance to protect both personnel and equipment. Materials with high chemical resistance, like stainless steel, aluminum, and epoxy coatings, can withstand corrosive substances and prolong the life of the flooring.

Choosing a flooring solution with excellent chemical resistance contributes to the overall safety and durability of the facility.

Heavy Equipment Support

Heavy equipment support is crucial in aerospace flooring, as it determines the correct flooring system that’s ability to carry the weight of machinery and equipment used within the facility. Factors to consider when selecting a correct flooring system for heavy equipment support include the weight of the machinery, the type of flooring material, and the durability and slip resistance of the correct flooring system.

This ensures that the chosen flooring solution can withstand the demands of daily operations and maintain its integrity over time.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Adequate maintenance and cleaning are vital for aerospace flooring to ensure its long-term performance and endurance. Selecting the right flooring solution can minimise maintenance costs and simplify cleaning procedures, ultimately contributing to the facility’s efficiency and safety.

Ensuring proper post-installation care, such as sweeping and wiping spills immediately, plays a significant role in preserving the flooring’s optimal condition.

Customised Solutions for Different Aerospace Areas

Aerospace facilities often require customised flooring solutions tailored to the specific needs of different areas, such as assembly zones, control rooms, and maintenance buildings.

By addressing the unique requirements of each area, these customised solutions can enhance safety, efficiency, and aesthetics, ultimately contributing to the facility’s overall success.

Assembly Zones

Assembly zones are dedicated areas within aerospace facilities for combining components or parts into finished products. These zones require a secure and efficient workspace to ensure the safe and accurate assembly of intricate components.

Customised flooring solutions, such as either epoxy resin or resin floors, can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of assembly zones, enhancing safety and productivity.

Control Rooms

Control rooms are critical hubs in aerospace facilities, centralising the monitoring and management of various mission components, including communications, navigation, and propulsion. Compliance with safety and operational standards is essential for control rooms to ensure personnel safety and mission success.

Customised flooring solutions can be designed to meet the specific requirements of control rooms, providing a safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Maintenance Buildings

Maintenance buildings play a vital role in ensuring that other structures and assets within an aerospace facility remain in optimal condition. These buildings require flooring solutions that can withstand the rigors of cleaning, servicing, repairing, and maintaining various systems and equipment.

Customised flooring solutions, such as epoxy flooring or resin floors, can be tailored to the specific needs of maintenance buildings, providing durability, resistance, and ease of maintenance.

The Installation Process: What to Expect

The installation process of aerospace flooring involves several stages, including preparation, installation, and post-installation care. By understanding what to expect during each stage, facility managers can ensure a smooth and successful flooring installation that meets the unique requirements of the aerospace industry.

Preparation involves assessing the existing flooring and making any necessary repairs or modifications. This includes removing any existing flooring, cleaning the surface, and ensuring that the subfloor is level and free of debris.


Proper surface preparation is crucial for aerospace flooring installation. This involves cleaning and removing undesired materials, such as debris or moisture, to ensure the longevity and performance of the flooring. Techniques such as mechanical grinding or shot blasting can be employed to eliminate these materials and achieve a clean, prepared surface.


The installation of aerospace flooring requires precision and attention to detail. For resin flooring, for example, the resin is applied to the prepared concrete floor and allowed to cure.

The installation process varies depending on the type of flooring material used, but it is essential that the application is accurate and uniform to achieve optimal performance and durability.

Post-Installation Care

Post-installation care is vital for maintaining the longevity and high performance of of aerospace flooring. This includes proper maintenance and cleaning procedures, such as sweeping the floor regularly to remove loose dirt and wiping spills immediately to prevent staining.

By adhering to the recommended post-installation care guidelines, facility managers can ensure that their aerospace flooring installation remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Protecting Valuable Machinery and Assets

Safeguarding valuable machinery and assets is of utmost importance in the aerospace industry. Implementing protective measures, such as impact resistance, static control, and spill containment, can help prevent damage and prolong the life of these valuable assets.

By choosing the right installed high performance flooring solution with these features installed high performance, aerospace facilities can ensure the safety and durability installed high performance of their equipment and infrastructure.

Impact Resistance

Impact resistance is a critical characteristic of aerospace flooring, as it determines the material’s ability to absorb and dissipate energy from impacts, such as those caused by heavy machinery or tools.

Selecting a flooring solution with high impact resistance can protect both personnel and equipment from harm, ensuring a safe and secure working environment.

Static Control

Static control in aerospace flooring is essential for protecting sensitive electronic equipment from electrostatic discharge, which can cause damage or malfunction. Flooring materials with static control capabilities, such as conductive, epoxy resin or vinyl, can help minimise the risk of electric shock to personnel and safeguard delicate equipment.

This protective measure is particularly crucial in facilities manufacturing and assembling navigation and flight management systems.

Spill Containment

Spill containment plays a vital role in preventing environmental damage caused by hazardous material spills. Aerospace flooring with spill containment features can contain and absorb spills, preventing their spread and potential damage to equipment and machinery.

By choosing a flooring solution with spill containment capabilities, aerospace facilities can mitigate the risks associated with hazardous material spills and maintain a safe working environment.

Case Studies: Successful Aerospace Flooring Installations

Various case studies showcase the successful implementation of aerospace flooring solutions in different facilities. These cases highlight the benefits and advantages of epoxy flooring, resin floors, and stain-resistant epoxy coatings in meeting the unique requirements of various facilities spend the aerospace industry.

By examining these real-world examples, facility managers can gain valuable insights into the practical implications and benefits of choosing the right aerospace flooring solution.

Choosing the Right Aerospace Flooring Provider

Selecting the right aerospace flooring provider for aerospace needs is crucial for ensuring the success of aerospace needs in your flooring installation. Factors to consider include experience in the aerospace industry, compliance with regulatory requirements, and the quality of materials used.

By carefully evaluating potential providers and their offerings, facility managers can make an informed decision and choose the most suitable provider for their specific needs, ensuring optimal facilities spend.

Regulations and Standards in Aerospace Flooring

Aerospace flooring must adhere to various regulations and standards to ensure safety and compliance. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has regulations for aerospace flooring, which include requirements for flame resistance and slip resistance.

By understanding and adhering to these standards, facility managers can ensure the safety of personnel and equipment, while also maintaining compliance with industry regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary benefits of aerospace flooring?

Aerospace flooring offers many benefits, such as enhanced safety, increased durability, resistance to wear and tear, and aesthetic and functional appeal.

With these advantages, it is an ideal choice for aerospace applications.

What types of aerospace flooring systems are available?

A wide variety of aerospace flooring systems are available, from epoxy specialist flooring, and resin floors to stain-resistant epoxy specialist flooring and coatings specialist flooring.

What are the key considerations when selecting aerospace flooring?

When selecting aerospace flooring, it is important to consider factors such as chemical resistance, the ability to support heavy equipment and regular maintenance and cleaning requirements.

Finding the right balance between these aspects can ensure long-term reliability and high performance in your aircraft.

How does impact resistance protect valuable machinery and assets?

By providing impact resistance, flooring materials can absorb and spread the energy from impacts to minimise and impact resistant the shock delivered. This impact resistant also helps protect valuable machinery and assets from the impact resistant potential damage.

What are the regulations and standards governing aerospace flooring?

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides industry standards for aerospace flooring, which specify the amount of fire-retardant chemicals that should be used and how the flooring should be tested for flame resistance.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also has regulations on slip-resistance ratings for all types of flooring in order to ensure a safe working environment.


Aerospace flooring plays an integral role in ensuring the safety, durability, and functionality of facilities within the aerospace industry. By understanding the unique challenges faced by the aerospace sector and selecting the right flooring solutions, facility managers can create an environment that supports efficient operations and minimises maintenance costs.

With the right provider and adherence to regulations and standards, aerospace flooring contributes to the overall success and safety of aerospace facilities.

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